Wednesday, February 13, 2013


A lot of attractions that you can visit all over the world.
well in an atmosphere of culture, nature and a festival or event in one place.
if you people who are enjoying the beauty of nature must always enjoy the beach or ocean. does not get bored with the look of sea water continuously. What you did or ocean beach lovers try to enjoy the beauty such as the mountains or forests and lakes.

One example is dieng plateau. one tourist attraction in the town of Banjarnegara, Central Java, Indonesia, with a height of approximately 2000 meters above sea level. and temperatures can reach 10 degrees Celsius in the month of June-agustus.dengan cold it is certainly very pleasant to enjoy.


Here there is a different child with his dreads, according to stories from surrounding communities, this dreadlocked kid curse of the gods who ruled the tersebut.untuk cut the dreads, the residents perform sacred ceremonies and prior to cutting dreadlocked.all desire little boy must grant that the ceremony went well and release the gods curse.

There are a few places that we can visit here like Arjuna temple heritage in Dieng plateau, Sikidang crater and the crater is unique because it can move the crater moved because of natural phenomena. apart from that there is also a lake colors that can change color from blue green and purple. the best time to come to the Dieng plateau is in the morning when the sunrise .and see most beautiful natural phenomena from the A peak mountain Sikunir. The fog that always accompany, and add exoticism Dieng Plateau.To reach the plateau Dieng we could use a bus from Semarang to take about 5 hours or from Yogyakarta to take 4 jam.yang always accompany, add exoticism Dieng Plateau.

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